
Healthy Gym Snacks – Protein Balls Recipe No Effort No Bake Deliciousness – Day 100

These no bake protein balls are going to rock your world!

1 Cup Rolled Oats
2/3 Cup Peanut Butter (Organic)
2 tbsp Maple Syrup
1/4 cup milled flax seed
1/2 cup chocolate Chips

“I don’t have time” is just NOT TRUE! What actually is happening is your body is telling your brain that you do not think you will be able to meet the “standards” of your expectation!(Read that again)

People do not workout because they do not want to let themselves down but in reality it has NOTHING to do with how you perform today. It has EVERYTHING to do about you showing up for yourself.

Remember, even if you show up and look like a floppy fish on your mat today, you showed up and you get to be proud of that. Mini actions build overtime and that THAT is what makes you an absolute beast!

When the exercise is hard and you are “failing”, this is the moment you are benefiting the most!

Embrace it & love the process because there is no greater act of self love than discipline of your wellbeing!

It’s time to stop being a victim & time to start loving ourselves! Lets get it!

Healthy Gym Snacks – Protein Balls Recipe No Effort No Bake Deliciousness – Day 100

Protein Balls Recipe No Effort No Bake Deliciousness – Day 100