
Pasi paruppu kulambu / Kulambu Recipes for Rice / Easy Lunch Recipes in Tamil / Kulambu Varieties

Pasi paruppu kulambu is one of the protein rich kulambu recipes for rice in tamil. Pasi paruppu kuzhambu is easy, simple, quick, healthy and tasty lunch recipes. Pasi paruppu kulambu is a diet lunch kulambu varieties in tamil. Pasi paruppu kulambu is one of the best rice side dishes.

This youtube video is how to make pasi paruppu kulambu in tamil. The pasi paruppu kulambu seivathu eppadi seimurai is very easy and simple and we can prepare it in 15 minutes. Siru paruppu kulambu is rich in minerals, vitamins and nutrients. Moong dal kulambu is one of the best vegetarian protein rich food.

Try this Pasi paruppu kulambu and give me your valuable feedback. All my youtube videos in Kongu Foodies are easy to make dishes with common ingredients and the recipes are common recipes that we make in our day to day life. Most of my videos are easy, simple, tasty and healthy cooking recipes for beginners and bachelors.