Weight Loss


Pumpkin Pie Protein Shake 🎃 Packed with protein & fiber and is a fun treat, great for those wanting to eat a healthier milkshake or is on a weight loss journey.

Looking for more healthy recipes that are high in protein, great for weight loss and easy to make?

👉 CLICK HERE for the free health recipes e-book:

1/2 cup canned pumpkin puree
1 scoop vanilla protein powder
1 cup milk (I use one that has added protein)
1 tablespoon maple syrup or honey
1/2 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
Ice cubes, as needed

I added pumpkin whipped cream and a fun pumpkin cookie, but you can add anything you would like. Even on a weight loss journey, it is okay to eat a cookie, from time to time! 😁

Combine all, blend and serve.

#proteinshake #weightloss