Low Calorie


Looking for ways to add more protein into your diet? These 2 easy recipes for soup and smoothie are plant-based and packed with protein! Perfect for anyone looking to eat more whole foods. The full recipe is below
#easyrecipe #proteinsmoothie #proteinpacked

1 Tablespoon whole flax seed
2 scoops Earth Chimp vanilla protein powder
1 scoop organic alfalfa powder
3 cups kale
1 cup soy milk
1 banana
1 cup frozen fruit like pineapple and mango
add the first 5 ingredients to a high speed blende, don’t blend yet, then add water up to the top of the greens then add banana and frozen fruit, and blend well.
Approx 30 grams protein

2 carrots chopped
2 stalks celery
1 medium onion chopped
1 pound grated Brussel sprouts
1 Tablespoon garlic
3 Tablespoon tomato paste
1 tsp. onion powder
1 tsp poultry seasoning
1 14.5 ounce can of chopped tomatoes
1 15 ounce can chickpeas rinsed and drained
3 potatoes chopped
2 cups water
4 cups veggie broth
salt and pepper to taste after soup is done
Add 1/4 cup water to a large pot on medium heat
Add the carrots, celery, onion and Brussel sprouts and saute for 6 to 7 minutes until veggies are softened. Add tomato paste, spices and garlic and cook for one minute and then add the rest of the ingredients, bring to a boil then simmer 15 to 20 minutes until potatoes are fork tender.



A simple and practical guide to sustain a plant based diet to reach your optimal health and weight.


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TOFU PRESS : https://amzn.to/34FhYU0

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The Starch Solutions by Dr. John Mcdougall: https://amzn.to/44hUVsq

Forks over knives. https://www.forksoverknives.com

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If you’re looking for a couple of really easy recipes on your whole food plant-based journey and if you want to know the changes I’ve made this year then stick around hi debu here from chew on vegan and welcome back to my kitchen if you’re new here I’m a plant-based ran and I

Follow a whole food plant-based way of eating I’m also gluten-free because I have Celiac and on my channel you’re going to find simple basic easy recipes that make it easy for you to live the whole food plant-based lifestyle so if that sounds good to you please subscribe

And you can also follow me on Instagram for more plant-based content I also invite you to check out all the links below for all the services I offer I have a newsletter I have an eguide I have an online course which is actually $150 off right now so it’s a great time

To get that and also I will have the the full recipe for today’s recipes in the description box I always put the recipes in the description box so you always have them and I am still working on my cookbook and hoping to get that out in

The spring so I’ve talked a little bit about how I’m incorporating more protein into my diet I’ve really noticed that it has helped me in many different ways I have more energy I’m sleeping better I’m not having cravings and I’ve noticed that what worked for me in the beginning of the

Starch solution is not working now most of it is but there are some elements that I had to modify and adding more protein was one of them and today I’m going to show you my protein smoothie it’s really easy and it’s delicious and it’s got 30 gr of protein and I have

Found if I eat a good amount of protein in the morning then I’m good for the day what I mean by that is I’m full I don’t have craving and when lunch time comes around I’m ready to eat and I noticed that it really keeps me going in the

Morning I’m not really thinking about food I just can get on with my day so it’s been really helpful I’ve also been sleeping better it’s been helping me in the gym and that’s really important to me as well I know we have a lot of starch solution followers here and I

Love the starch solution and I will always do it I love being able to eat the potatoes and the rice and I love all the veggies that we eat but I’ve had to incorporate more protein so save your comments about what Dr McDougall says about protein about drinking your calories or drinking your

Veggies I know all that uh but I need to do what works for me so I’ve made some modifications and as a postman puzle woman things are different now than when I was in my 40s 50s even when I was 60 just these last 7 years uh I have found

Differences I’ve been plant-based for 13 years almost 13 years and I’ve been on the start solution for 4 years and I pretty much was and I was kind of doing it before that but not 100% so I’ve probably been doing the start solution probably about 6 years and it was great

In the beginning but I noticed over the last year things have changed so I’m not saying you need to do this if the start solution is working for you as you’re doing it according to Dr McDougall then that’s great but if you’re like me if you’re postmenopausal and you’ve been

Noticing that things have just not been working then I invite you to check out my recipes I think it’s very important for each of us to find what works for them I don’t think any of us should follow someone blindly just because they’re a doctor I think you need to do

Your own research and do your own experimenting on yourself and if things aren’t working then change things you can always always go back to what you were doing but maybe consult with your doctor get your Labs tested see what’s going on if there’s any underlying conditions there but if something’s not

Working for you then you might want to just think about modifying it all right so I’m going to get off my soap box here and I’m going to show you the smoothie that I make and it’s very similar to the smoothie that I was drinking from Dr

Brook goldner and I love that smoothie I have modified it so it works for my lifestyle what I need and I’m going to share that with you today I’m also going to share with you a delicious chickp soup but I will have a kind of surprising ingredient in there nothing

Crazy but something you might not think about putting into this chickp soup all right let’s get started I’m starting off with some whole flax seeds I do one heaping tablespoon then I’m going to put in two scoops of the earth chimp protein powder this is 20 G of protein and I used this

In my oatmeal in a previous uh video and that will help boost up your protein and your oatmeal as [Applause] well so one and I really like the Earth chimp because it’s very clean um no oil no salt it’s glutenfree soy free which I don’t care about soy um

And of course it is 100% plant-based then I’ve been adding in a scoop of this uh organic Alfalfa I’ve been hearing a lot of good things about this uh particularly in regards to your hormones helping to balance your hormones so I’m definitely on board with that it’s just a tiny little

Scoop and then I’ve got about three cups of curly Kale like I got this from my local farmers market Super Fresh and then I like to pack this down a little bit and then I add one cup of soy milk for another 9 g of protein and then I’m going to use water

To fill up to the top of the greens here uh because I still want to keep it a low calorie uh but I do want that extra protein so I’m going to go uh put the water in here then I’m going to add in a nice ripe

Banana and then I have about a cup of pineapple and mango this is frozen so that’s going to help make it cold too if you want to add ice to this that’s also a great option all right I’m going to go blend this up so I fill up this glass which is 32

Oz and then what’s left over I give to my husband this recipe is about 37 g of protein and I’m figuring mine is 30 G for sure and then the leftover goes to my husband so I want him to have a little bit I’m not totally selfish I’m

Going to enjoy my smoothie and then we’ll get going on that soup all right we’re going to start our soup as I start all my soups onion celery and carrot so for the surprise ingredient I have a pound of shredded brussel sprouts and brussel sprouts are really

Good right now I just put them in my food processor and shredded them up if you want you can buy it pre-shredded but I had some in the house and this is what I’m doing with them so we’re going to dump this all in and this is going to cook way down

I’ve got it on medium heat and we’re just going to let this go for 6 minutes or so till everything kind of softens up and look at all this fiber nutrients I mean this is going to be amazing all right we’ll let this go for like I said 5 six minutes till

Everything gets soft and I’ll add water if I need it and then we’ll add the rest of the ingredients all right these have been going a good 6 minutes and you can see how much it has reduced down now we’re going to add some other ingredients here

I want to add my spices I have onion powder and poultry seasoning I’ve also got some garlic that mixed in then I’ve got about 3 tbspoon of tomato paste and we just want to get this all Incorporated tomato paste really adds so much flavor it’s made from sundried

Tomatoes so the flavor is just very powerful but in a good way I wouldn’t say it overpowers things definitely adds another layer of Flavor now we’re going to add a can of diced tomatoes we’re going to add three Yukon Gold potatoes one can of chickpeas rinsed and drained so there’s our

Protein and then we’re going to add two cups of water and then about four cups of Veggie broth and this is going to make a ton of soup so we just want to get this all stirred in we’re going to bring it to a boil

And then let it cook for maybe 15 20 minutes till the potatoes are fork tender and this is going to be amazing here we go finished product all right let’s give this a taste it looks divine it’s hot o that broth is really good yummy

M be sure and taste it see if you need any salt so salt and pepper to taste I need some potatoes in Here I add a little crushed red pepper on there cuz I always do so just to recap I love the starch solution I will do the starch solution probably forever I’ve just made did some modifications for myself my goal is not to be skinny my goal is to be healthy well into my

Golden years I want to be able to travel I want to be able to get up off the floor if I fall down I want my muscles to be strong I want my core to be strong these are the things that are going to keep you healthy and the decisions that

You make today will impact you down the line in your golden years so what you do today is really important your daytoday decisions is what is going to predict your future health and you may think that you’re getting away with something when you’re eating a bunch of oil a

Bunch of processed food fast food oh I can just do a little bit here and there well it’s going to all add up it’s cumulative remember that the decisions that you make today about what you put on the end of your fork it is what is going to determine

Your health in the future so don’t worry about those last 5 lbs be at a healthy weight and concentrate on your health concentrate on being disease free this is what’s going to give you the freedom as you age so you can still drive you’re independent I mean these are things that

Are super important to me and I’m sure they’re important to you so I hope you like this video I hope you learned something if you did please give it a like and share it with your friends just remember that all my recipes are good for you they’re good for the animals and

The good for the planet and what you put on your plate determines your fate and your weight and your health until next time thank you