Low Calorie

Wanna Start Eating Healthy? 3 EASY recipes you NEED to try!

Hey guys! I hope you all enjoyed this week’s video! These healthy meal ideas are some of my favorites that are high in protein and low in calories but taste delicious!!!
If you want to see more videos like this, comment below what you want to see me make next!

In the next video, I’ll be taking you guys through my favorite day… BACK & BICEPS!!!
LESSSS GOOO. If you wanna see how to get that Dorito shape back, tune in next week!

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INSTA: alyssa_liftzz
TIKTOK: alyssa_liftz

@Chillpeach – Gameplay: https://youtu.be/w4oLP7fa9Vk?si=zQURwcBlLx_8hy89

Hello hello welcome back to the channel guys listen every time I post my food on my story on like Snapchat or something people are always sliding up being like yo slide me the recipe or they’ll ask me like what kind of foods do I eat I got

The workouts down but I just don’t really know what to eat but today I got y’all cuz I’mma show y’all not one not two but three easy healthy meals that you guys can make cuz ain’t nobody got time to be cooking in the kitchen for hours okay and all the meals that I’m

Going to show you today are great the meal preps so if that’s something that you want to get into but you just need ideas or like some inspiration I got y’all and not only are they delicious but they’re low calorie and high protein so they’re going to help y’all lose the

Fat and gain the muscle and that’s what we all want let’s be real we’re all just trying to get J at least I am I don’t know about y’all but anyways if you guys haven’t already please consider consider subscribing and leaving a like because I’m trying to

Help y’all out y’all trying to help me out you know what I’m saying quit playing with me okay well I’m starving so if y’all are ready I’m ready cuz I ain’t ate dinner yet so I’m trying to get this cooking so let’s get into it and real quick I would just like y’all

To know that I just drove in the snow to get some better lighting for the video cuz the lighting was not giving okay anyways back to the video m M so good and tasty okay guys the first recipe is my favorite because it’s easiest cuz you don’t have to cook

Anything the only thing that you would have had to have cooked was some rice but I’m not going to be cooking rice today if you guys need a tutorial on how to cook rice there are probably a thousand on YouTube so good luck with that but you want your rice to be cold

I’ve got a ginormous bowl of rice because uh I use rice for meal preps all the time our other main ingredient is going to be some smoked Atlantic salmon the kind that’s ready to eat it’s like sushi grade I get mine at Walmart I don’t go to like any kind of fancy

Market or anything like that for it but please make sure it says sliced and ready to eat I don’t want y’all to get sick and then the best thing about this recipe is all the rest of the stuff is just like toppings if you don’t like any

Of the stuff you can just switch it out with stuff that you like but the stuff I’m going to be using is chili sriracha sauce salt and pepper who would have thought the white girl using salt and pepper I know crazy sesame seeds one avocado some frozen soybeans which I will be Microwaving and then some veggies uh I got some cabbage radishes green onions and carrots and that’s it so if you guys are ready let’s build our salmon Poké Balls let’s get into it so the first thing I’m going to do is measure out 135 G of rice because I do track my macros

But obviously you guys don’t have to do this and then next I’m just going to go ahead and measure out two servings of the smoke salmon because your girl was hungry I’m trying to get that protein in and now that that’s done I’m just going to set that to the side and I’m

Going to measure out my avocado and to do this I’m just cutting it in half then I cut it vertically and took a spoon and scoop them out onto the napkin to get 50 g roughly now I’m going to set that to the side with the salmon while we get

The beans ooh look at the beans this is me pretending to read the instructions but honestly I just threw them in the microwave for like 4 minutes and Tada the beans were done then I just measured half a serving with the beans and a little bowl and we’re going to put all

Our little ingredients to the side because it’s time to cut some veggies they roll anyways we’re going to be cutting the Cabbage first I cut it in half once then I cut the C out cut it in half again then I just mint it into itty

Bitty little pieces just like this and I put them on a plate and it’s time to cut the radishes start by cutting all the leaves off because I ain’t a rabbit I don’t need all that I’m just going to use three because I don’t really like radishes like that

Like they cool or whatever but anyways I just went ahead and put them on the plate from before now I’m just going to cut the green onions which is pretty self-explanatory y’all just chop away add those to our little plate we got going on lastly I’mma add some carrots I

Know I literally just said I’m not a rabbit but I do enjoy a good carrot and now we are ready to start building our bowls first I’m going to add our salmon next I’m going to add our free Shabaka do then I’m going to add our beans and all our little veggies we

Cut she looking cute but she could look cuter so we’re going to go ahead and add our spices some salt salt pepper minced garlic minced onion and then most importantly the sriracha sauce I know I’m white but I love spice this High key ain’t even spicy but anyways then we’re

Just going to top it with our green onions and our sesame seeds and guys we have our salmon poke Bowl bonus points if you guys eat it with chopsticks because it tastes better with chopsticks don’t ask me the logic behind it it just does okay yippee are you guys people that

Like mix everything together that’s the type of person I am I feel like that’s the only real way to eat like you know there’s people that literally like will only eat the radishes we’ll only eat the carrots we’ll only eat the salmon stop it get some help what’s wrong with y’all

It’s all going to the same place all right moment of Truth Dam that is really good okay I ate I kind of popped off I do feel a little weird eating on camera this is giving like 2016 mukbang Vibes um yeah and that’s not that’s not my vibe but after I’m done eating this I will be back I’ll see y’all in a Bit now that I completely destroyed that salmon Bowl never stood the chance um we’re going to make some chicken tacos one who doesn’t love tacos two these are healthy so can’t really go wrong here these are also pretty simple to make you’re going to want 2 oz of chicken

Breast you’re going to want some cilantro not lce okay okay listen trust me on this get the cilantro and just like Shrek who had many layers you’re going to want an onion the lime is optional but highly recommended and this is probably the most important part of the whole whole like healthy aspect

They’re some zero net carb original tortillas but these are goated because they only have 25 calories versus like a regular tortilla has 100 so you can eat more and then most of these seasonings are the same the only new one that I’m adding is paprika and then this is a

Sugarfree Smoky mosquite marinade but this isn’t necessary the chicken will still taste good as long as you season it with this but I like this a lot so if you can I would give get it but also if you don’t have this specific marinade just use any other marinade that you

Have in your house it’ll probably taste the same or like clo or like good enough that’s all we’re going to be needing let’s cook these tacos so we’re going to start by cutting up the chicken I’ll be using this big boy and I’m just going to

Cut some slits in the chicken so that way the seasoning can get in there and then I’m just going to cut them into little strips okay but watch this transition though yeah quit playing with me okay sorry but anyways you just want to cut them into little cubes afterwards

It should look something like this next I’m just going to take a bowl and put our chicken up in there and now it’s time to add that marinade I was talking about earlier which is the bomb give her a little shake and we’re going to be using 2

Tablespoons I’m going to go ahead and add the paprika and then all the other seasonings that we’ve been using to be so real I use these for almost everything I cook now we’re is going to take our spoon and mix this all up so I kind of went off script and

Added some chili powder and some crushed red pepper cuz I wanted these to have a little kick to it while that sits to the side and kind of does its own thing I’m going to go ahead and cut the onion gotcha [ __ ] and then exactly how

I cut the cabbage is how I’m going to cut this onion cut off the ends take out the pit and you know the Gill just chop it up into tiny little pieces now I’m just going to put these in a little bowl bowl and set them to the side and I

Already had my cilantro cut but if you don’t you know what to do okay now that the chicken’s been doing his thing for a minute I’m going to go ahead and cook mine I set the stove on medium heat and sprayed the pan with some extra virgin

Olive oil then I’m just adding the chicken making sure to spread it around the pan evenly look at her cooking you just want to give it a stir every now and again when it’s done it should look something like this real quick I’m just going to put the chicken in a bowl so

That way we can use the pan to toast our tortillas which here are those goated tortillas I was talking about dog 25 calories insane I’ll be using four but you could totally go to town on these cuz like I said they low calories so freefor all make sure to flip them over

After a few minutes so you can toast both sides they should look something like this when they’re done and now here’s my favorite part making it all look pretty and aesthetic going to add my chicken like you’re kidding the these look so good but they’re about to look

Even better cuz we going to add the cilantro our onions from earlier now I know I said this was optional but it’s really not I lied please put the lime on it it just won’t hit the same without it but this part is optional I’m going to

Put some Habanero hot sauce on it just cuz you know I’m that girl like if you can’t handle the heat get out the kitchen and Tada guys it’s really that easy took me maybe 15 minutes and now I have a fire lunch for tomorrow y I’m not going to lie I

Severely underestimated one how long this is going to take but two how tiring this is cooking three meals girl like I’m so tired that I drank a rain to try to get me through this last recipe so please if you haven’t already leave a like please I’m I’m tired but thankfully

This is the last recipe and then I can go to bed we’re going to make teriyaki steak stir fry we’re going to use these ingredients right here to make a sauce it’s easy are you sure about that so we’re going to use the same rice that we used earlier some bell peppers it

Doesn’t matter what color I have yellow and orange but if you have red it’s not that the world some leftover green onions the steak that I’m using is Sizzle steak because the macros on it are better so that’s what we want y’all and then for the sauce the recipe

Actually calls for corn starch but I don’t have porn I’m not a grandmother like I feel like that’s a grandmotherly ingredient but it’s fine and then we got sesame seeds honey the low sodium sesame seeds honey the low sodium could have sworn I just heard a knock at the

Door anyways the rest of the video I’m going to be looking over my shoulder um bow sodium soy sauce some rice vinegar didn’t even know rice vinegar was a thing and some sesame oil so that’s it now I’m going to go ahead and get started because one my phone’s

Almost dead and two I might get murdered so yeah all right last round y’all let’s get this done real quick I’m going to roll up my sleeves cuz I’m an idiot and I wore white for some reason next I’m just going to go ahead and measure out

Two servings worth of the steak and at this point y’all already know the drill we’re just going to cut the steak up in the little chunks just like we did with the chicken arbz we have the meats next we’re going to go ahead and get our sauce ready we’ll start by taking some

Low sodium soy sauce and I’m going to add about half a cup worth look at me being kind of smooth with that though slick slick okay sorry then I’m going to go ahead and add the flour which I’m just going to use one tablespoon worth

Which I kind of forgot to record it so ignore that then I wash that same tablespoon measurer because ooh look at my calluses anyways we’re going to add 1 tbsp worth of the rice vinegar I didn’t know that oils could be sexually active but we’re going to add 1

Tbspoon of extra virgin sesame seed oil after that we’re going to do 1 tbsp of honey and I got it on my hand you’re shocked don’t act shocked that I included the little fart ASMR okay you already know who we are don’t act surprised when you’re done it will

Look pretty gross not going to lie but don’t worry we’re going to fix it that’s why we got this bad baby right here she going to help us mix it all together and make it not look horrendous like look she put in that work now it actually

Looks like a sauce and not like whatever it was before then we’re going to do the same thing we did with the chicken y’all put the meat in there and I’m going to put roughly half of the sauce that we made in there with it and save the other

Half for later then stir it all together and M look at the meat it’s giving caveman but whatever all right it’s time to quit playing games I’m going to show you how to cut a pepper just in case y’all don’t know how to First you want

To take the sticker off and cut the top off when you’re done it’ll look something like this and you just want to take your blade and run it along the inside around that core so we can pull it out then I’ll slice it into Force

Just to make it a little bit easier to work with and cut off any of that little excess that got left behind then I’ll cut them into strips and then once they’re cut into strips I’ll just group them all together turn them to the side and cut them all at

Once you know work smarter now harder and congratulations you can now cut a pepper then we’re just going to put them in a little bowl and set them to the side because it’s time to start cooking y’all on a medium heat you want to sauté your peppers and you’ll know they’re

Done when they get a little brown on the outside food ASMR and 32 1 M that made my toes curl I don’t know about y’all any who you just want to stir your meat and your peppers together and you already know it’s time to add the seasoning the same ones that we’ve

Been using I’m not going to name them all because I sound like a broken record to be honest continue to stir it every now and again until you see that the meat is browned and done and when it is we’re going to go ahead and add the rice

In there with it combine it all together and then guys it’s done look at how good that looks and now it’s time to build our bowls I put half a pan worth of the stir fry in a bowl and took a little bit of that sauce from earlier and put that

On top M so good then I garnished with some green onions Andes seeds and let’s go I’m finally done with the voice over oh and there’s your stir fry let me tell yall something being a YouTuber it’s not hard but I was going to say it’s hard no it’s not let’s be

For real I’m cooking in my kitchen dog I just suck at technology to be real guys I got some like fancy color changing lines going on over here I don’t know if we [ __ ] with it oh no y’all tell me if y’all like it or not and we got the

Microphones I’m slick of YouTube quit playing with me but anyways guys those are the recipes I really hope you guys give them a try because they’re fired they going to hit every time trust me and the video is just proof that you do not have to eat boring plain chicken

Breast and broccoli and rice every day to get in shape there are so many good foods out there that you guys can be eating that are going to help you guys get to your goals but taste delicious cuz I don’t know about y’all but I love

To eat the reason why I started learning so much about nutrition and like health the Alternatives is because I get to eat more for Less that’s a no-brainer to me personally if you guys enjoyed the video and you haven’t already please leave a comment leave a like subscribe cuz I’m

Really trying hard to bring you guys some good content it’s helpful for y’all hopefully entertaining that’s why I did the whole like POV thing because I actually wanted y’all to see me making it I didn’t want to be back here like making stuff and you’re like what girl

What are you doing we can’t see if you guys want to see more content like this where I give you guys like meal ideas let me know but in the meantime y’all know the jail stay healthy stay strong and I will see y’all in the next video Bye