Low Calorie

What I Eat in a Day | CALORIE DEFICIT | easy high protein vegetarian meals, how to de-stress, vlog

Get yourself a 20% off your Every. order! – https://bit.ly/46oDs0Z

This video is not sponsored but I do get a small commission and you get a good deal on my favorite healthy frozen meals!

With the new year come new goals and one of mine is to do the 75 hard challenge but in my own way! I hope I can get back on track with being active and put myself in a little bit of a caloric deficit without tracking calories or macros. I share my quick & easy vegetarian meal ideas in hopes to give you some food inspiration. I am also getting into reformer pilates and make some fun and easy vegetarian recipes to show you how to live a healthy lifestyle without sacrificing too much time!

00:00 – intro
01:25 – quick grocery haul
03:37 – breakfast
05:24 – how I de-stress during work
7:43 – lunch
10:36 – high protein low calorie cheesecake
12:16 – every. haul
15:04 – dinner

I hope this video was helpful and motivating to you ✨
Thank you so much for watching & subscribe if you liked the video!

ps. you can support me directly by buying me a coffee ☕🥐 https://www.buymeacoffee.com/flianze

What is up YouTube Welcome or welcome back to my Channel today we are just doing another what I eaten a day on a deficit it is Monday I am starting work very very soon on Mondays I always work from home so it’s the perfect time to

Kind of film a what I eat in a day on a regular typical day as a person that also works full-time because I realized that you know making meals and just generally living the life that we see online while working a full-time job is just not very realistic so I am just

Kind of trying to bring some reality into this situation and I am starting work in like 20 minutes and I am missing some things and I need to go to the store first of all this creature has been walking by me every step and meowing at me because she has no food I

Mean let me digress she has food but none of the food that she likes and she’s very picky um I raised the princess here unfortunately so I need to go get her food and I will also just pop into the store to get some fruit I’m actually filming the last part of my

High protein vegan breakfast video that went live a couple days ago so I need to get some fruit cuz I have overnight oats that I made in that video but I have nothing to top them with so it’s actually a perfect excuse to just go out

Go to the store it’s very close to here get the cat food and other necessities and then also maybe some raspberries to put on the oats yeah that’s what we’re going to do I am back and I have a grocery haul for some reason it didn’t

Even occur to me to take you with me but I kind of needed it to be quick cuz I am starting work in like now basically but I have a very quick grocery haul I went to the drugstore and I got a couple things but please tell me why every time

You go to the drugstore you pick up two things all of them seemingly inexpensive and then you go to the cashier and it’s like 20 to30 I don’t get it but it’s like that every single time I think I’m picking up like super cheap stuff and

Then in the end I’m still like paying so much I don’t know I just got a couple things but here we go this already opened already fed my cat because she would have started without it this is the only cat food she eats probably not very interesting to you then I got my

Favorite soy mil this is the alpro unsweetened it’s my favorite cuz it has quite a lot of protein um if you added to like oatmeal and stuff and it’s unsweetened it’s very blend really but I really like it I really hate sweet milk and then I got curd cheesee top fun um

It’s really good it’s like a better cottage cheese in my opinion it’s so smooth it tastes a little bit like cheesecake so so good I think I’m going to make a little dessert with it today but we’ll see we’ll see um then I just have just regular cleaning stuff I ran

Out of these I have some lotion I don’t have anything so I just picked this up I never used this one before I have hand cream because I go through hand cream like no one else I use hand cream every 10 minutes I have really dry skin on my

Hands specifically and then I was getting a lot of Essentials today so I also just got some basic soap like the cheapest one you can find at the drugstore because it’s soap it’s not that deep and then lastly what I actually went for is some fruits so I

Have some strawberries they were on sale so I just got strawberries not the season for strawberries but I just love berries so much so I still got them and they were not as expensive and then they also had blueberries on sale Min is 25%

So of course I had to pick them up cuz I always just go to the store and just get the berries that are on sale there’s always something on sale and I don’t care what berries they are as long as it’s berries so we have these two and

Now I just really need to get into breakfast because I’m starving okay guys this is what it is I just filmed this for my other video so this is the chocolate protein overnight oats with almond butter and some raspberries you cannot see it because I added it to this

Pretty Bowl but I am just going to insert how I made this right here if you didn’t watch my previous video now you can see the recipe I don’t know about you guys but I usually have the habit of eating breakfast by the table watching YouTube I know that eating without distractions is like the better way to go because you’re more mindful you feel like you’re full but to be completely honest with you I haven’t eaten without distractions

In years probably like I always watch YouTube to eat breakfast and then to eat dinner I watch TV and I I know it’s not the best way to do it but it’s just I like it like I don’t want to change the Habit this is the one bad habit I have

That I don’t really feel the need to change I also don’t feel like I’m overeating doing this I’m still kind of in tune with my body so I’m just going to continue do as I do and I will eat my oats which I realized that now you could

Have thought that they’re pretty liquidy they are pretty liquidy but I like my oats liquidy it’s around 12:00 p.m. right now and honestly I’m having a little bit of a stressful day at work I have had a stressful day of work for like the past week or two weeks even so

It’s not that great I have booked a pilates class a reformer PES class for this evening at 7:30 but I think I just need to get out I cannot stay at home I’m just going to go for a quick walk put on a podcast clear my head walk it

Out I know that after I walk I’m going to feel so much better it’s kind of like my number one tip for being stress or anxiety just go on a walk or go on a run but I’m having a rest day when it comes to running so I’ll walk it is and then

We can do like a proper workout at the reformer pilates but just like a 30 minute walk it’s going to help me so much mentally I think I hope so yeah that is my tip for you today if you’re are feeling stressed if you’re feeling overwhelmed if you can have a little

Break during the day just taking a walk is truly Life-changing I am in the park right now and honestly I’m recording my phone so I hope the audio is good but honestly I feel already so much better it’s been like 20 minutes of walking the podcast I’m listening to the blonde fires podcast it’s my favorite one she has a lot of

Ads which is not great but if you skip through them like the topics are great she’s great I just really enjoy it so I’m listening to that and I’m just walking yeah like I said like it’s the biggest tip is to just go for a walk when you feel stressed and overwhelmed

It really changes everything and I guess not only that but also getting some like chill movement in is never a bad idea also for your health walking is super beneficial like I said I will be going to a reform plaes class later but I feel like just going for a walk and getting

The steps in adds so much your health both physical and mental health also it’s a little bit cold but I’ve talked about it in my running into winter video I feel like I’m adapted to cold much better now this year I’ve been running outside a lot I’ve been going outside a

Lot and it just feels so good so I do recommend even if it’s winter just go outside move a little bit go for a walk go for a run it really changes so much I am back for my walk which instead of 20 to 30 minutes like I said ended up being

A fullon hour of walking but it was just so nice the podcast was also nice to listen to so I just kept walking until I had to come back but now I am back and I need to eat something really quickly until my lunch break is over so I am

Just now heating up some leftovers let me show you so here I am heating up some green bean stew that I’ve had for like this is my fourth day of having it um which is a bit too much but it has some green beans potatoes carrots and um

Chickpeas for a little bit of protein and then it’s all cooked in tomato sauce with garlic the stew itself is pretty good but having it for the fourth day in a row is definitely too much I find out if I meal prep something 3 days is

Perfect because the fourth day I just do not want to eat this anymore so this is me now this is the fourth day and I just wish I had something else but uh I don’t like wasting food so I’m going to have my leftovers to that I chopped up some

Parsley to garnish it also makes it taste a little bit fresher and I have some feta which I’m going to crumble up in as well it tastes really really good with the stew and then for protein I have one Beyond sausage left and I just

Cut it up in pieces I am just going to put it on a non preheated pan because once you start heating it up it releases its own oil so you don’t have to add much more this is a very realistic work from home lunch for me when I’m working

From home I don’t want to spend too much time cooking because I would rather spend my lunch break doing something else like going on a walk or I don’t know editing a video or just doing something more productive than cooking I have been really in a rut with cooking

Lately because I’ve just had less time than usual say hi to Luna again I’ve just had a little bit less time than usual with my job being very stressful lately but it’s fine we’re getting through it we’re just making do with super simple meals that consist of leftovers and like an additional protein

Like the Beyond sausage keep in mind I don’t typically eat a lot of meat Replacements they don’t make me feel too good but honestly like Beyond sausages are like one of my favorite things ever I don’t know why but I am obsessed with them not all grocery stores carry them

So whenever I do find them so whenever I do find them um I just buy them and eat them cuz they are so good in my opinion here I have the stew just plated up with some some feta and some parcy on top and I like my Beyond sausage to get really

Crispy I don’t know if you can see it’s very very crispy and the oil kind of got out of the sausage I don’t know how to explain it so I’m just going to transfer it without the oil on top of this honestly just look how much oil is left

In the pan like how much oil is in a Beyond sausage but you don’t have to eat it it just Cooks out and that is the finished dinner so we have a lot of fiber and carbs from the stew so like the potatoes the veggies the chickpeas

Also provide a little bit of protein we also have a little tiny bit of protein from the cheese and then from the Beyond sausage honestly just a very fast simple wholesome meal I very spontaneously decided to make a recipe that I found online and this is probably the worst

Filming job I’ve done ever because I’m not really showing you what I’m doing completely but I made this mixture that was kind of like a cheesecake mixture but without any base which mixed very well and was very promising and then I just put it in a ramkin and then baked

For 30 minutes with some blueberries just very quickly don’t do what I did and pick a more shallow dish because this is like exploding all the blueberries are off like okay it actually did go down a little it sunk a little but it still looks very nice okay

Let’s check out this creation it cooled down a little bit I made this cuz I was a little bit hungry and I wanted a little bit more protein and I found this recipe today in the morning actually watching it video and it looked so good it’s like a low calorie

High protein cheesecake and I had all the ingredients at home so I just made this let’s try this this is my first time making it so if it’s a flop then I don’t know why I shared it but it looks actually really really good okay here we go this is literally

Cheesecake it literally tastes like the inside of a cheesecake not like a New York type cheesecake but in European type cheesecake cake it’s so good this whole thing has like 500 calories I’m probably not going to eat the whole thing but it has around like 30 g of

Protein and it tastes like actual cake like an actual cheesecake and not like a calorie deficit type of dessert I’m going to go enjoy that but you should definitely make this and I’m going to see you soon I have to apologize to you a little bit cuz yesterday I didn’t

Really do a great job and I stopped recording at some point I was just exhausted I wanted to go to my pilates class and then just chill for a little bit and I didn’t show you my dinner because it was actually really pathetic and it’s actually super exciting cuz I

Got a package from every Foods um today I work with them on a commission basis so I get some products and then I can talk about them during my videos but I am in no way obligated to do that I genuinely like the products I also sort

Of want to reach out to them because I was a customer beforehand and I thought you know what why not might be worth a shot and I just got a package with some food and guess what we’re having for dinner especially how I was talking throughout the whole video yesterday

That I am just in a rut with cooking and I just haven’t been cooking lately at all and every Foods is just easy for those weeks days months but I just wanted to show you it comes in like a nice package it’s quite heavy cuz there’s I think 8 meals inside and it

Comes in some dry ice so the stuff actually keeps Frozen until you are able to put it in your own freezer taada but you know what I thought let’s do a little unboxing cuz I don’t necessarily remember what I got so okay let’s just go through we have a red

Curry we have a green doll naked flfl one of my favorites Garden Yi also one of my favorites golden Curry we’re continuing with the curry theme naked Taco also one of my favorites and this one I haven’t had before this is the green curry noodles sounds actually super exciting another Curry ooh and

Then these are exciting cuz this I have not had before they have raw vegan desserts I mean they’re frozen but I mean if it’s I think it’s a if it’s frozen it’s still raw so I can still call it raw but anyway it’s some vegan desserts and I picked them up today

Which is super fun this is like an almond bliss and then this one is the strawberry Supreme and this one is also made from oats date syrup strawberry puree cashew puree coconut extract coconut oil and a couple other things but I feel like everything that they

Have in here like I know what the ingredients are I’m not like surprised by anything which to be fair I don’t think that every single ingredient that you cannot pronounce is bad because a lot of the times like probiotics I cannot pronounce and stuff like that but

In general like if you’re having if you’re picking out convenience food especially like frozen convenience food I think that’s a kind of like a fair rule to to get things that you know what they are and every Foods is definitely great for that I’m just going to go try

To fit it in my tiny ass Freez and when it’s time for dinner we’re definitely going to pick something out of these all right I just finished work and I am starving so I actually picked the naked Taco I know I like it it’s actually quite low in calories cuz it

Only has 500 calories and then not too much protein cuz it’s like 15 g of protein but to be fair sometimes convenience is more important than protein also I feel like today you’re really getting the real me cuz I am a mess I have Z on my face and my hair is

Un style and not wearing any makeup but whatever like we’re keeping it very casual today for the ending cuz I feel like if you’re still here at this point you are a real one and you deserve to know the real me so there we go I forgot

To mention actually when I was unboxing the every Foods order that I do have a commission link with them and till the end of January you can get 40% off your first order which I feel like it’s a steal cuz usually you know the full price of every it’s not super affordable

It’s definitely priced like a healthy convenience meal so it’s a little bit more expensive than the typical frozen pizza you would find in a supermarket so I realize it’s not super cheap however 40% off is actually a steal like it’s it’s great it’s amazing so if you want

Just use my code it’s valid till the end of January I do highly recommend it like truly I have been a customer before I worked with them so you can really trust me on it though generally speaking I hope you trust me regardless of like I

Hope you know that I wouldn’t sell you something I don’t like myself like if I really wasn’t eating this basically every week I would not be pitching it to you right now so I hope you know that okay let’s make the food now cuz apparently I’m very chatty today and I am actually [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] starving all right while my food is heating up I will take the little moment that I am waiting and starving to just say goodbye I am just going to finish up the video right here and if you’re still here I really really appreciate you so

Please give me a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel it really just shows me that you like watching my videos and it also helps me reach a wider variety of people which is really helpful so thank you so much once again and I will see you next time bye