Weight Loss

Mung Sprout Salad | Sprout Salad | Healthy weight loss Salad

Sprouts salad made with mung bean sprouts, fresh veggies, herbs and lemon. It is loaded with nutrient-dense foods that are very good for our body. More importantly this sprouts salad is vegan and gluten-free.

Mung beans are also known as Green Gram and is a popular legume used in many Asian Cuisines.

Sprouting any kind of legumes, nuts or seeds increases their nutritional profile and make them more easily digestible.


Sprouted Mung Beans Half steamed – 1 Cup
Carrot 1/4 Cup
Onion 1/4 Cup
Tomato 1/4 Cup
Corriander Chopped 1/4 Cup


Honey 1 Tbsp
Olive Oil 1/4 Cup
1 Tsp Cumin Powder
1 Tsp Chilli Powder
1/4 Tsp Amchur Powder
Salt as required
Lemon 1 Tbsp
Black Pepper 1/4 Tsp