Low Calorie

How To Lose Weight FAST On The Starch Solution | 10-Day Weight Loss Hacks

Healthy Emmie here! Nutritionist, Weight Loss Specialist, and creator of the Slim on Starch Program! In today’s video, let’s explore rapid weight loss advice, and how it can be implemented with the Starch Solution by Dr. John McDougall. Want to lose weight in just 10 days? Uncover the truth behind Maximum Weight Loss through a vegan, whole food plant-based approach. Learn practical tips for a swift and satisfying journey. Whether you’re a seasoned vegan or a newcomer, discover the secrets to success in this transformative video. Join us now and make those weight loss goals a reality with the Starch Solution!

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Hi! Welcome to my Healthy Hunnies family.
My name is Healthy Emmie. I’ve been featured in Forbes, HuffPost, PopSugar, and more as the go-to nutritionist for plant-based weight loss. I’ve personally coached thousands of people. Combining the teachings of Dr. John McDougall’s Starch Solution, Dr. Joel Furhman’s Nutritarian Eat To Live Diet, Dr. Alan Goldhamer, Dr. Doug Lisle, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, T. Colin Campbell, Dr. Neal Barnard, Dr. Dean Ornish, Dr. Michael Greger and more… I’ve trademarked my Slim on Starch® system for weight loss and weight maintenance. I’ve received my certificate through the Institute of Integrative Nutrition which qualifies me to coach individuals. Each client in my Slim on Starch program works with me, as well as my carefully selected team of nutrition coaches who are registered dietitians in their personal practices. Each client also works with a carefully selected team of mindset coaches, whose personal practices stretch from therapists, trauma specialists, addiction specialists, psychologists, health coaches, doctors, personal trainers, and more. If you’re interested in workin
g with me and my team, please visit https://healthyemmie.org/coaching. I look forward to helping you change your life. You deserve health and happiness.

📲 Contact: support@healthyemmie.org

0:00 Tip 1
5:54 Tip 2
9:42 Tip 3
13:16 Tip 4
16:23 Tip 5

Want to lose weight fast today I’m going to tell you exactly how to do that using the starch solution why the heck should you listen to this girl hi I’m healthy Emmy I’m a nutritionist a weight loss specialist and the creator of the slimon starch program now I might look like I’m just

Sitting pretty here what does she know she’s already thin That’s genetics she’s young she’s Charming she’s smart she’s funny you didn’t say that last bit no it’s okay you’re thinking it right all right now let’s get serious I have worked with nearly 4,000 clients oneon-one to help them achieve

Transformations like this at the time of this recording just on my YouTube channel I have about 85 videos of before and after stories of the clients that I’ve worked with to help them lose weight eating a starch-based diet when you search starch solution weight loss

On YouTube whose face do you see I’m so sorry you got to see mine over and over again I know what I’m talking about Honeys and I don’t say this to toot my own horn I say this because listen up I’ve got the goods and without further

Ado let’s get down to it for all of the pieces of advice that I’m going through today I’m going to put them up against the 10day rule and the 10 Monon rule meaning if we follow this piece of advice for 10 days what will happen and

If we follow this piece of advice for 10 months what will happen I need you to watch this entire video in full because this is going to all come full circle at the end and you’re going to see how when I put this 10day test up against the

10-month test that a lot of these tips are going to have different responses to what’s going to happen if you follow this tip for 10 days what’s going to happen if you follow this for 10 months the outcomes here are going to be different so make sure you watch this

Video all the way to the end it’s all going to make sense but you got to watch the whole video the first piece of advice that you may receive if you are looking to lose weight fast is to eat less let’s put this up against the 10day

Rule what will happen 10 days later if you start eating less you’re probably going to lose weight but that’s not going to be fat let me tell you what it is going to be it’s going to be water weight it’s going to be food in transit You’re simply eating less food so you

Have less food in your system at all times we have about 5 to 20 lounds of fecal matter in our bodies so if we eat less food we step on the scale there’s less waste in our body and so that’s going to be reflected on the scale that

Is not true fat loss so where you run into problems is this you eat less you step on the scale you think I need to eat less in order to lose weight because the number on the scale is lower and I’ve been eating less then what inevitably ends up happening is you get

Super hungry you end up overeating because your body just can’t take it anymore and it has to make up for the fact that it hasn’t gotten enough food in the past 10 days and you think that you have no willpower you’re a failure and that the only way for you to lose

Weight is just to eat less and you can’t do that so you have to subscribe and succumb to a life of being in a body that you don’t feel comfortable with none of this is true when we put this up to the 10mon test what we actually find

Is that those that eat less end up gaining more weight in the long term because of this yo-yo binge restrict cycle they restrict their food their body takes over and says mm we got to eat they end up eating think that failure regain weight and the cycle

Continues so we’re not going to eat less what are we going to do instead we are going to eat our 50/50 plates consistently meaning that half of your plate is veg half of your plate is starch this is not ground breaking news that this is a great way to release

Weight on the starch solution put half of your plate as starch and put half of your plate as veg however what I hear from people who reach out to me that say this isn’t working I ask what do you eat in a day and they say I do my 50/50

Plates I do potatoes and broccoli and oatmeal and rice and they’re naming all the good stuff and I say what’s your downfall and they say well I usually get into the potato chips at night and then my kid is having ice cream and so I have some too or there’s chocolate at the

Office and I end up eating that so the problem here is inconsistency I promise you that if you commit to this you are patient and you are consistent I promise you this will work in the long term if we put eating your 50/50 plates consistently up to the

10mon test honey 10 months is about 40 weeks and that’s about 40 lbs down that you’ll be 10 days from now if you commit to eating less you might be 4 lbs down but 10 months from now you’re going to be 40 lb up versus if you commit to the

50/50 plates where are you going to be 10 months from now maybe 40 lbs down I cannot emphasize enough how important it is for you to be patient and consistent and I know this is something that a lot of people struggle with because they get excited

And then they lose Steam and so what what is the solution to this you got to get involved somehow you got to get some accountability or a program to follow you need some external source to keep you on the straight and narrow for the long term if that’s you joining the slim

On starch program then that’s what that’s going to look like and that’s the missing piece for many of my clients who are highly intelligent they know how to do the 50/50 plate but they can’t stay consistent in the long term and it’s cuz they didn’t have any account

Accountability they didn’t have any skin in the game and they said I have I have do I’m at the point where I’m swallowing my pride and I have to just sign up for this program so that I have some accountability and some structure and I

Actually do this I need skin in the game I need to invest in something or otherwise it’s going to be a year from now and I’m going to be the in the same exact spot are probably worse the next tip that you may get from people for how

To lose weight fast is to to exercise more hit the gym do some hit workouts add in some cardio you’ll lose weight quickly what people are unaware of is something called the exercise Paradox the exercise Paradox is that when people end up exercising they end up gaining

Weight and the reason for this is because they mistakenly believe that exercise burns all of these extra calories so what they start doing they compensate through through food or they’ll say oh well I just went to the gym and I burned 1,000 calories at a

Boot camp so I can have this 400 calorie Brownie and ice cream because that’s I’m net 600 I’m down 600 calories still when the reality is that the amount of calories that we burn through exercise maxes out at a certain point we do not burn Limitless calories through exercise

The body is going to pull energy and calories from other bodily processes if you’re doing EX exercise and you exceed what your burn allotment is through exercise and and what your calorie budget is to give you an example this is why a lot of women when they engage in

Marathon training or are running oodles and oodles their menstrual cycle will get a bit wonky because the body only has so much energy that it can expend that it will start to pull from other processes it’ll say menstrual cycle no calories for that because we’re using

All of our calories on exercise just as an example or some people their digestion goes to goes to junk when they start exercising too much the body doesn’t have Limitless calories to burn and so if you engage in all of this exercise and you think that that means

That you need to eat tons and tons and tons more you might end up gaining weight because of that and I’ve seen that happen time and time again so instead of me telling you to use exercise to lose weight what I’m going to tell you to do instead because that

Doesn’t go up to the 10 months month test you know we do the 10-day test for exercise maybe you you’ll deplete your glycogen stores a little bit and the number on the scale that you you might see could be lower because your glycogen stores are a little bit lower but are

You going to be burning fat 10 days from now no so if we put that up to the 10mon test what I want you to do instead is to lean in to exercise and what I what I mean by this is to start to establish a relationship with ex exercise where

Exercise is a way to celebrate your health celebrate your body and it’s a daily consistent routine that you enjoy so if it’s walking or weightlifting or tennis or swimming to start to build that into your routine and lean into it a little bit but not look at it as this

Prescriptive nose to the grindstone I’m killing myself through exercise exercise is absolutely something that we have to do as a part of our overall health and cardiovascular health mental and emotional health but it is not something that should be used for weight loss and something that we should force ourselves into in the

Short term goes balls to the wall and then burn out on it the clients of mine that I have in the slimon starch program who are getting Transformations like the ones that you see on the screen here you know how much exercise I make them do

None I don’t make them do anything they can they can do whatever they can do whatever they’d like I’m a runner I run every day I love running I run marathon I I I exercise baby I do weightlifting I do abs I’ve worked with ultramarathon Runners I’ve seen the spectrum of

Athletes do all the exercise that you want but I’m not going to force you to do any and look at the Transformations my clients got from that the next bit of advice I actually saw in a Facebook group for this type of eating and this type of weight loss and the piece of

Advice was to drink more coffee so that you can have more energy and not rely on food as much please no now I don’t have anything against coffee I really don’t I don’t take it away from my clients I don’t I’m not an anti coffee gal by any

Means but the principle that’s being used here of using coffee for energy so that you don’t need to rely on food for energy is a recipe for disaster and let me tell you why because what ends up happening is you use coffee you ride that caffeine high all morning but

You’re genuinely hungry your body needs fuel but you can’t detect it because you’re running on fumes you’re running on adrenaline and caffeine and your adrenals are pumping like crazy your cortisol is through the roof and then what happens when the caffeine wears off

You get to the end of the day and all of a sudden you are the hungriest gal in the world you’re the hungriest guy in the world you are the hungriest person in the world because your body was desperately trying to send you hunger cues all day but you couldn’t detect

Protect them because you were riding the coffee high and you might say well Emmy if if no no coffee for energy well then what do I do for energy well honey I have got you covered about half of Americans report that feeling low energy interferes with their daily activities

And they even though they feel like they’ve gotten a good night of sleep they’re using things like coffee still feel low energy and fatigued and brain fog and moodiness it’s likely because about half of Americans are also low in vitamin B12 if you’re on a plant-based diet then you are not getting vitamin

B12 from your Foods so you got to make sure that you’re supplementing vitamin B12 now unfortunately pretty much every vitamin B12 that you are going to find out there in the wild is disgusting they have added sugar added oil they’re not even vegan they’re made with animal products

All these unnecessary fillers and my slimon starge program clients kept asking me for a clean B12 that I recommended I couldn’t find one so I made one myself if you already are a subscriber of this vitamin B12 comment down below and I’m going to send you

Some love and if you’re not this is your sign to join the family vitamin B12 plays a critical role in metabolism regulation energy regulation neurological function and many people are low and if you’re on the starch solution if you’re on a vegan diet you’re not getting this from your food

So you got to supplement with it so you can get it in the down bar you can subscribe and save get it delivered to your door every 30 days you don’t have to worry about it so coffee in the 10day rule when we put coffee up against the 10day rule yeah

You’re fine when we put coffee up against the 10mon rule and you’re using coffee instead of supplementing the vitamin B12 which is probably what your body needs 10 months from now you’re going to be way low in B12 and you’re going to be your adrenaline your adrenals your cortisol is going to be

Through the roof and your need for caffeine your caffeine dependency will be so much higher your tolerance will be higher that you’ll need way more caffeine in order to get that buzz it’s a slippery slope so this does not get a pass or a check from my 10-month rule uh

Instead you got to supplement with vitamin B12 the next piece of advice we hear everywhere and it’s eat more protein one of my slimon starch clients was a bodybuilder before we worked together and listen to what happened to her when she ate all this protein my blood pressure was high it probably had

Been for a long time my cholesterol was uh total cholesterols 238 and my liver enzymes were high again you know and and my other lab work wasn’t good it just wasn’t good at all my kidney function is not great I still struggle with kidney stones to this day but we’re working on

That so what happens when you start eating more protein well usually when eat people eat more protein they’re eating less carbs and so so what happens is they step on the scale 10 days later and what do they see they see oh cool the number on the scale is down now tell

You why the number on the scale is down it’s because when you eat less carbohydrates you hold on to less water and less glycogen stores and so 10 days later you’re going to see that the number on the scale has gone down yippy kayay everything is great everything’s

Gravy the protein thing was right I got to keep eating more protein M cuz if we put that up against the 10 month rule let me tell you what ends up happening your body needs carbohydrates in order to function properly if you’re not eating enough carbohydrates your body is

Going to retaliate and it’s going to up your hunger through the roof your Cravings are going to be insane and you’re going to end up overeating and you’re going to turn to the high calorie highly palatable highly processed foods you’re going to overeat Galore on them

And the number on the scale is going to Skyrocket and if you don’t do that if you just stop doing the protein thing and you go back to eating carbohydrates well your body now is going to be super sensitive to carbohydrates and you’re going to end up holding on to a lot more

Water weight temporarily it’ll all even out if you stay consistent but temporarily you’re going to be holding on to more water weight you’re going to feel really puffy you’re going to probably gain extra weight than where you started because your body’s going to be holding on to more water so I don’t

Recommend going the protein roote it does not stand up against the 10mon rule eat more protein does not pass the 10-month rule test so what are we going to do instead well if you’re concerned about protein all you have to do is make sure that you’re eating enough legumes

Beans peas lentils you could even use something like tofu or edamame if you want something that’s a little bit more processed the tofu and people like that sort of meaty texture protein deficiency is not something that you have to worry about protein deficiency is very very difficult to achieve and usually only

Occurs when there’s a case of malnutrition and somebody is not getting enough of everything they are completely depleted in calories then we’re going to see that you’re deficient in everything but if you are suffering with overnutrition which is the majority of people that are overweight or suffering with overnutrition you don’t have to

Worry about the protein thing another piece of advice you want to lose weight in 10 days plan a cheat day 10 days from now and just go super strict for these next 10 days and eat like a bird and then on day 11 day 10 you can eat

Whatever you want what’s going to happen in 10 days well 10 days from now you’ll step on the scale and the number will be down because of what I talked about in earlier tips that you’re just eating less food and if you eat less food in

The short term the number on the scale is going to be lower but what’s going to happen 10 days from now or 11 days from now I’ll tell you what happens people will end up eating super low calorie for the next 10 days and then on day 11 they

Are going to eat so much food that it will either even out whatever they restricted over the past 10 days or in most cases they end up eating net more calories than if they would have just never done this in the first place I put a little graph here on the screen to

Show you what ends up happening is people end up eating so much on these cheat days that they’re net calorie intake ends up being higher if they as opposed to if they just didn’t do the cheat day in the first place so what do we want to do instead here well this is

The approach that I take with my clients in the slimon starch program which is let’s not force you to go in 100% let’s give you the opportunity to choose if you want to dive in 100% or if you want to ease into this and for my clients

That choose the EAS in approach they set a goal for how many meals per day they want to do on the SOS plan plan and let’s consider if you do for the first week in the SOS program you do one meal per day on the plate Builder following

The SOS plan you might say that’s nothing what I I need to lose weight ASAP well what if you get that under lock and key and then in week two you do two per day and then you get that under locking key and then in week three

You’re doing three per day that means that 21 days from now you’re going to be fully on board with this versus if you try to jump in A1 % right this second you might end up getting overwhelmed and burning out all of these tips come together with the principle that I’m

Trying to get forth here which is the slower you go the FAS you get there let’s do a little math on this I talked about the 10-month test let’s say that you live 85 years 1,20 months on this planet for ease let’s say that it’s a th000 months on this planet let’s say

That you invest 10 of those months into really locking this in and getting this under your belt and releasing the weight let’s say it takes you 10 months to release the weight you might say that is forever Emmy that is not fast at all this whole video is a shame you’re a big

Liar because you said I was going to lose weight fast well 10 months in comparison to the 1,000 months that you live on this planet accounts for 1% of your entire life 99% of your life can be spent doing whatever the heck you want but if you spend

1% to release the weight that seems pretty fast to me and the grand scheme of things 1% compared to 99% that’s pretty fast and if you’re in the slim on starch program you get an under locking key for that 1% and then you get to spend as many months with me after that

That you would like to and I hope hope that you do choose to do so and usually clients want to I have clients I’ve had for years five years with clients and some of them are still working toward their goals some of them have achieved their goals and they need this program

To maintain it but let’s not be in such a rush the slower you go the faster you get there and also there’s really no end game here when it comes to self-development and health and growing and evolving and becoming the best version of ourselves what are we rushing

Toward you can step into that version of yourself that you want to be right now no need to wait on that and a great way to do that is to click the link of the down bar and get started on the slimon starch program if you made it to this

Point of the video I want you to comment the slower you go the faster you get there I hope that this video set you on the right course and if you liked this video then you’re going to love the next one that pops up on the screen it’s

Going to be super helpful for you on this journey I love you Honeys and I’ll see you in my next video I