

Meal prepping lunches is a key part of my week to stay healthy and on budget. Not to mention the time it saves during the week to have healthy food to grab as you head off to work. This weeks lunch meal prep is gluten free, super easy and only took me about 30 minutes all up!

* My salad dressing recipe:
* Homemade salsa recipe:

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Meal prepping is one of my favorite tools to stay organized stay on budget and let’s face it be a little bit healthier as well so let me show you how I meal prepped for a whole week in about half an hour let’s go well hello there friends and welcome

Back to simple Essentials if you’ve been around here for a while you know that I love organizing spaces organizing my money and meal planning healthy tasty food it’s been a little a while since I did some meal prepping for myself but I have a whole playlist which I will link

Below this video as well as up here for those who want to check that meal prep playlist out but the thing is when it comes to meal prepping and especially now we’re back from holidays um we’ve been back for a little while now and work in life is just getting a little

Bit busy so it’s Sunday and I’m going to start doing some meal prepping for the week and I want to make sure that it’s really healthy now my partner and I we don’t have a particular diet or anything other than my partner being gluten-free but we are trying to be a little bit

Healthier because let’s face it coming back from holidays we all tend to carry a few holiday kilos so I’m going to show you how I meal prepped for two people for a whole working week so 5 days and I made it really healthy and really fun so let’s Dive In Oh M A 2 Oh Oh Oh M Do Oh Down M Oh and there you go meal prep does not have to be hard it does not have to take very long and it does not need to cost much and I think for me the most important thing with meal prepping is trying to make the things look nice um and I mean

An added bonus of this particular meal prep was it was also pretty healthy which I think both my partner and I needed after our holidays anyway I hope you found it inspiring please as always leave a note in the comments below about your your favorite meal prep what you

Tend to make for lunch I’m always looking for inspiration it’s going into summer here in Australia at the moment so any kind of salad or nice cold things is always um on the cards for me to make all the best and I look forward to see you in the next video