Low Calorie

CRAZY Brownie Ice Cream Comparison!

Brownie Ice Cream Calorie Comparison‼️

A couple ingredient swaps and different cooking methods gets you the BEST ice cream you can eat way more of for the same amount of calories.

Over 5X as much protein. Despite being a freeze brainer, it’s a total no brainer.

👇Macros For This Ice Cream (whole pint with toppings):

595 Calories
59g carbs
15g fat
56 g protein

👇Macros For The Ben & Jerries:

643 Calories
73g carbs
35g fat
9g protein

The Best Chocolate Brownie Protein Ice Cream:

✅ – 360g Fat Free Fair life Milk

✅ – 360g unsweetened vanilla almond milk

✅ – 45g Chocolate whey/casein blend (I’m using @flex_brands Brownie Batter. It’s my favorite. You can use code FDL to save some $)

✅ – 12g chocolate sugar free pudding mix

✅ – 8g sweetener of choice (I use Truvia)

✅ – 1/2 bar @gatsby chocolate chunks (I used their fudge brownie, half the bar is only 90 calories and you can get it at Walmart)

Note: if you own the smaller 16oz creami, divide all the measurements by 1.5 and it will fit perfectly. You can do the same for the total calories/macros.

For this ice cream cone you could have this whole tub of chocolate brownie protein ice cream with the same amount of calories and 10 times the protein to make it mix fat-free milk almond milk sweetener cocoa powder sugar-free pudding mix and sea salt and jumble it up with a hand blender until smooth

Freeze overnight and Lock and Load into your creamy on the ice cream function you’ll wind up with a silky smooth chocolate cream tank you could eat it just like that and you’d be super happy but to finish it off top it with some low calorie chocolate and rainbow

Sprinkles and you’ve got the best chocolate brownie protein in the business so next time you think ice cream is a cheap meal just make this instead and follow me for more