Weight Loss

What I Eat in a Day to Lose Weight with pcos #weightloss #weightlossjourney #pcos

What I eat in a day trying to lose 20 lbs by June as someone with PCOS I do eat about 1,400 calories a day I’m starting my day with a Phil’s iced coffee like I do every single day my first meal I had some Calo de poo that I

Made last night so this is leftovers that I warmed up for a snack I had a peanut butter chocolate protein smoothie the recipe for this is in my previous video and then for dinner I had some cucumber in the fridge that I needed to use before it went bad so I made this

Salad with cucumber green bell pepper some red onion and tomato I drizzled it with red wine vinegar and then I had some chicken on this side then to end my night I had a h green tea with berries it was super delicious