
what i eat in a calorie deficit to lose weight #fyp #caloriedeficit #wieiad

Here’s a realistic what I eat in a day in a calorie deficit to lose weight also sorry I sound like this I have a cold anyway for breakfast I saw this on Tik Tok honestly don’t remember where but I saw some girl make avocado toast with

Cottage cheese on top and hot honey and it looked so fire so I had this with some egg white bites and honestly it was 10 out of 10 great like I just try to get 30 grams of protein in at breakfast like that’s my number one goal honestly

This was the perfect breakfast it was so good the hot honey with the cottage cheese if you don’t like cottage cheese just try it trust me then I had a Celsius guys this literally makes my hands like shake and I still can’t stop drinking it um anyway then for

Lunch I made a little yogurt bowl with the carrot cake granola and the zero sugar Chobani yogurts which are literally so good dinner guys yeah I’m sick okay so you know what I got in and out and if you’re thinking