Weight Loss

Spinach Corn Sandwich | Healthy Grilled Sandwich for Weightloss | Lunch Meal Prep Sandwich Recipe

#sandwich #healthysandwich #lunch #lunchideas #weightloss
Hello Foodies,

Welcome to my YouTube channel “She cooks healthy” and today I am going to share creamy cheesy spinach corn sandwich. It has approximately 457 cal and 26 g of protein. It is absolutely a weight loss friendly meal which you can enjoy in your lunch.
Generally, the stuffing for this sandwich is prepared using a lot of heavy cream, cheese and Maida but I have not used any heavy cream in this. It is prepared with very simple ingredients and this is the best sandwich for the meal prep because you can prepare the sauce and store it in air tight container for 4 to 5 days in refrigerator. This is no oil no Maida no heavy cream stuffing and is absolutely healthy.
If you are SANDWICH LOVER like me or looking for a WEIGHTLOSS SANDWICH RECIPE, Don’t miss this one.

Check out step-by-step video on how to make the sandwich and make one for you.
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