Weight Loss

Lazy girl, healthy meal #recipe #easyrecipe #healthyrecipes #weightlossrecipes

I don’t want to cook today but I’m an
adult and if I want to eat balanced
meals and hit my health goals then I
have to do this let’s do it in 20
minutes or less with minimal prep and
mostly all the ingredients pod salt
paprika a little bit of olive oil for 2
to 3 minutes on each side and clean as
you go I’m going to use a combo fresh
and frozen vegetables you can use all
Frozen to avoid a cutting board be good
at Double tasking and remove your fish
before it overcooks cuz it’ll overcook
really fast zucchini in frozen veggies
in got this butter chicken sauce from
Aldi you can absolutely make is from
scratch but also buy it from a jar for
days like today I like my food so Saucy
it’s basically soup I’m going to add an
additional can of crushed tomatoes but
you don’t have to do that cook over the
stove until the vegetables are cooked
through obviously you can make a pot of
rice normally I would but I don’t want
to cook which means I don’t want to wash
dishes I steamable bag from Aldi and the
only ingredients or rice in water add
back your fish this looks amazing like
what plate it eat it and never make an
excuse again take out who what not you