Weight Loss

What I eat in a day for weight loss (ep6) #whatieatinadaytoloseweight #pcosweightloss #wieiad

What I eat in a day for weight loss (ep6)

what I eaten a day on a weight loss
journey I started the morning off with a
coffee and then I fried two eggs and
just had some eggs on toast a little bit
later on in the morning I had a cup of
tea and then for lunch I made some
chicken Su lakis this is mine and my
husband’s favorite lunch to have at the
moment it’s just very satisfying and
it’s very tasty and you just feel like
you’ve had a really good lunch after you
eat it so after lunch I had a strawberry
yopro and another cup of tea and then
for dinner I made a thae yellow chicken
curry and I just served it with some
green beans and broccoli and for dessert
I had a glass of red wine and a bounty