Low Calorie


Low-calorie teriyaki stir fry recipe made easy by @aaron.entres


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let’s make some low calorie Teryaki stir
fry grab your pan and hit it with some
zero Cal spray grab one yellow onion hey
I did it just go ahead and dice up about
a third in the pan we go then I want you
to go in with a little bit of minced
garlic AKA heartburn I like to do about
a teaspoon once I starts to really open
up and you can smell it go ahead and
grab your sugar snap peas from Walmart
and add in about two servings if you’ve
not tried these low calorie noodles
you’ve been sleeping grab the pal mini
ones or however you say it and they
taste way better than skinny pasta just
add in one serving of these then just
grab some crushed red pepper give that a
nice health sprinkle it’s so spicy grow
up and grab a nice pinch of salt or two
since we have no fats in this dish we’re
going to go ahead and add in some
sirloin steak I just get mine from Flex
Pro meals because I’m lazy now we’re
going to keep it simple and just weigh
out 6 oz bro yo rip to my fingers chat
we got to get 6 oz on the dot I’m going
to get fat what you are going to need is
a little sugar-free Teriyaki some low
keal hoisen sauce and my BFF Sriracha
give that a good healthy drizzle then go
ahead and add in some of that sugar-free
Teriyaki touch up with a little bit of
that hoiston sauce am I saying that
right damn that smells so good then we
just want to go ahead and garnish with a
little bit more crushed red pepper I
mean that looks pretty good to me and
then you have that low calorie stir fry
you know what to do enjoy