Low Calorie

3 AMAZING FOODS EVERY DIABETIC SHOULD BE EATING TODAY #shorts #shortsvideo #healthyliving #diabetes

Dietary tips for diabetes | Discover the top 3 amazing foods every diabetic should be eating today! Dive into the science-backed benefits of these diabetes-friendly superfoods. From stabilizing blood sugar levels to promoting heart health, these dietary powerhouses are essential for managing diabetes. Learn how incorporating these nutritious options into your daily diet can transform your health journey. Don’t miss out on this vital information. Watch now and take control of your diabetes management with these delicious and science-backed foods! #diabetesdiet, #healthyeating, #bloodsugarcontrol
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I create very rich, well-researched, and science-based short videos to explain and simplify complex terms and terminologies of accomplished experts in diverse areas of nutrition and dietetics. My sole aim for creating this channel is to improve people’s health and help them eat healthy and make better dietary choices by following these simple healthy lifestyle tips.

Disclaimer: I’m not a health practitioner, so kindly make sure you are not allergic to any of the ingredients used in my videos. This channel does not take any responsibility for any harm or side effects caused by the contents that are related to my videos. You are hereby advised to check with your health officer if you have any medically-related questions.

today we’re exploring three amazing food
scientifically proven to support your
health Journey number one first up we
have the humble yet powerful broccoli
scientifically known as Brasa
olera packed with fiber and antioxidants
like sulphoraphane it helps regulate
blood sugar levels and reduce insulin
resistance number two next on our list
is The Versatile and nutritious avocado
scientifically known as py
Americana its healthy fats and low
carbon hydrate content make it an ideal
choice for managing blood sugar levels
and promoting heart health number three
lastly we have the flavorful blue Brees
scientifically known as vaccinium
cormos rich in anthocyanins and fiber
they offer a sweet treat while helping
to lower blood sugar levels and improve
sensitivity remember to consult with
your healthc care provider for
personalized advice